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TransTRACK for Finance and Leasing Companies

Monitor Company Vehicles Well in One System

Integrated digital solution for efficient and timely monitoring of all vehicles. Track vehicle location, status, condition, and performance in real-time, optimize operations, improve security, and provide more responsive services to customers

Business Process Improvement and Automation

Accelerate Business Processes, Avoid Delays

Automate management tasks, such as maintenance scheduling, routine maintenance handling, and vehicle contract management. Reduce manual intervention and speed up business processes, maximize resources and time to focus on core business activities and customer service

Optimal Planning and Scheduling

Reduce Clashing Time by Planning the Use of Vehicle

Assist the company in establishing regular maintenance and maintenance schedules for the entire fleet. Reduce vehicle downtime and increase fleet availability for rent, get more opportunities to generate income

Operational Risk Reduction

Minimize Operational Problems, Reduce Loss Risk

Detect potential problems with the vehicle more quickly, such as damage or unexpected events. Take corrective action early to reduce the risk of operational losses and ensure vehicle reliability

Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Save Cost and Optimize Fleet Usage

Reduce operational costs by minimizing fuel costs through optimal delivery routes, reduce maintenance costs with regular monitoring, and optimize vehicle fleet utilization. Increase company profitability with more competitive leasing prices

Safety and Compliance Monitoring

Prioritize Safety and Ensure Vehicles are Safe

Monitor vehicle safety by collecting data on speed, driving patterns and use of seat belts. Make sure the vehicle is operated safely and in accordance with traffic regulations, reduce the risk of accidents and impact on the law

Step 1 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

We will formulate your problem and provide a solution just by answering a few questions below.

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Step 2 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

Jenis aset/kendaraan apa yang ingin Anda kelola?

Please choose one option (more than 1 option may be possible)

Step 3 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

What type of assets/vehicles do you want to manage?

Please choose one option (more than 1 option may be possible)

Step 4 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

Choose what features you want to add to your asset or vehicle?

Please choose one option (more than 1 option may be possible)

Step 5 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

Tell us a little about your company?

Please provide in your Full Name
Please provide in your Company Name
Please select your Fleet Size
Please provide in your Contact Number
Please select your Location