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TransTRACK for Bus Vehicles

Maximize Bus Performance with Fleet Management System

Plan efficient bus routes, monitor real-time bus performance, reduce operating costs, improve safety and optimize the overall performance of the bus fleet. By using this system, transportation companies can achieve higher operational efficiency and provide better service to passengers

Route Efficiency

Avoid Traffic jams by Choosing the Right Route

Plan the most efficient route for the bus. Avoid traffic jams and busy roads, thereby reducing travel time, fuel consumption, and can save operational costs.

Real-time Monitoring

Improve Service by Real-time Monitoring Location

Real-time monitoring of bus location and performance. Management can accurately monitor trips, identify delays, and provide quick responses to improve service timeliness

Scheduled Maintenance

Schedule Maintenance Regularly, Avoid Significant Damage

Plan routine maintenance and maintenance for bus vehicles. With timely scheduled maintenance, buses are kept operating in optimal conditions, reducing the risk of unwanted operational interruptions

Driver and Passenger Safety

Powerful Safety Features for Ultimate Security

The best safety features such as an emergency braking system and collision warning that help protect the driver and passengers from potential hazards or accidents. Take advantage of advanced safety features, to significantly reduce the risk of accidents, injuries or incidents

Passenger Calculation Feature

Calculate Seat Availability, Avoid OverCapacity

Manage bus capacity and ensure passenger comfort. Calculate the maximum bus capacity based on bus size and type. By knowing the maximum capacity, the company can arrange the right number of passengers for each trip

Step 1 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

We will formulate your problem and provide a solution just by answering a few questions below.

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Step 2 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

Jenis aset/kendaraan apa yang ingin Anda kelola?

Please choose one option (more than 1 option may be possible)

Step 3 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

What type of assets/vehicles do you want to manage?

Please choose one option (more than 1 option may be possible)

Step 4 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

Choose what features you want to add to your asset or vehicle?

Please choose one option (more than 1 option may be possible)

Step 5 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

Tell us a little about your company?

Please provide in your Full Name
Please provide in your Company Name
Please select your Fleet Size
Please provide in your Contact Number
Please select your Location